Architecture Basics : Arches
An arch : is a two-dimensional curved beam construction for supporting loads between two points of support over an opening; traditional masonry arches were constructed from wedge-shaped stones locked together by loading from above. -Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction (2008) An arch : is a pure compression form. It can span a large area by resolving forces into compressive stresses and, in turn eliminating tensile stresses. This is sometimes referred to as arch action. As the forces in the arch are carried to the ground, the arch will push outward at the base, called thrust. -wikipedia Lintel :a beam above a window or door opening. -Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction (2008) Lintel : is defined as a structural horizontal block that spans the space or opening between two vertical supports. In classical western construction methods, defining lintel by its Merriam-Webster definition, a lintel is a load-bearing member and is placed over an entrance way....