Architecture Basics : Vaults
Definition of a Vault : a three-dimensional arched ceiling construction to support a floor or roof, often of masonry. Wikipedia : Vault (French voûte, from Italian volta) is an architectural term for an arched form used to provide a space with a ceiling or roof. The parts of a vault exert lateral thrust that requires a counter resistance. When vaults are built underground, the ground gives all the resistance required. However, when the vault is built above ground, various replacements are employed to supply the needed resistance. An example is the thicker walls used in the case of barrel or continuous vaults. Buttresses are used to supply resistance when intersecting vaults are employed. Vaulting : 1 the curved surfaces of a vault, or a series of vaults 2 the making of masonry vaults TYPES OF VAULT 1 . Barrel vault, tunnel vault, wagon vault, cradle vault 2 .Pointed barrel vault, pointed vault, Gothic vault 3. Rampant vault 4. Conical vault, expanding vault 5. Cloister vault, domical ...