
Showing posts from June, 2017

What is Ideal ?

Aldo Rossi | Illustration  Aldo Rossi | Teatro del Mondo  Le Corbusier : "He argued that by following the Engineer's Aesthetic the architect could achieve a platonic grandeur that would resonate on a sounding-board possessed by everyone. This was inspired by the law economy of economy and governed mathematical calculation based on the universal aesthetic of the machine age." The Idealist view was derived from Plato, and its interpretation continues to exercise philosophers. It's easier to describe it's impact on architecture, by arguing that all object in the physical realm are imperfect variations of ideal versions that exist in the realm of ideas Plato gave rise to traditional representation of the ideal form.  ( Look up Utopia ) Sir Christopher Wren on Idealism: "There are two causes of beauty - natural and customary. Natural is from geometry consisiting in uniformity, that is equaliy and proportion. Customary beauty is begotten by the use, as familiarity ...

What is : Humanism ?

1_Piero della Francesca - Flagellation of Christ (c.1455-60) Showcasing a Pictorial space using perspective.   Buildings built around the proportions of the human figure.  Mid-fifteenth century - General curriculum (studia humanitatis) - New world view   Renaissance humanism was the value of the individual. 2 _ 16th century portrait of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. Pico della Mirandola | Seminal Thesis (An Oration on the Dignity of Man) : He argued that unlike all other forms of life, man had been created without a fixed place 'in order of things', but had the freedom to choose either to 'degenerate into the lower orders of life' or be born into the higher forms, which are divine' The great Craftsman , had created man to contemplate his work.' Jacob Burckhardt | Publication (The Civilization of the Renaissance on Italy): He stressed the importance of the cult of individuality that has been passed to us the idea of artistic 'genius' and an emphasis of hu...